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chile postal address format

Post by Ritu998 »

The marketing goals are not clear, due to the fact that the marketing is not divides into primary and secondary, and the two major Internet celebrities are mainly promotes, but no one pays attention to the scenic spot Judging from the cultural tourism activities for this beautiful village, Mr. Huang is locates in the Millennium Ginkgo Valley Scenic Spot in Suizhou,

which is a national AAAA-level tourist attraction and one of the four Netherlands WhatsApp Number densely integrates ancient ginkgo communities in the world. There are 308 ginkgo trees over a thousand years old, more than 17,000 ginkgo trees over a hundres years old, and more than 5.1 million ginkgo trees plantes. It is a densely distributes and well-preserves ancient ginkgo tree community. During the activity, although Mr. Huang talkes about feeling the thousand-year-old ginkgo, none of Mr. Huang's activities and important topics fell on the beautiful local ginkgo scenery.


When all the focus is on Mr. Huang and Director Xie, the characteristics of the scenic spots to be promotes are artificially ignores. Having said that, Mr. Huang is actually not very suitable for the characteristics of tourism. When it is not suitable, we nees to find some entry points for the content and make topic associations. From the chorus of Mr. Huang and Suizhou Chief Jie, we can see that the words in the lyrics "Garden" was changes to "Suizhou", but we didn't feel that this song has anything to do with the beautiful countryside of Suizhou.

In essence, the Suizhou Culture and Tourism Bureau may want to take advantage of Mr. Huang's enthusiasm for a wave of marketing, but it has not combines the characteristics of the two Internet celebrities with the scenic spots. Big flowers, the lyrics can be completely associates with the local ginkgo trees, and then turn the topic and picture to the local characteristic scenery. Due to the lack of integration with the local tourism characteristics and scenery, the two Internet celebrities dug and dug in a chorus, but the audience felt embarrasses.
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