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How Did Javascript Begin Its Existence

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2023 5:59 am
by pahar2022
JavaScript is everywhere and for another year it holds the top position in the ranking of the most used programming languages. Today, 95% of websites, including our well-known YouTube and Facebook, would not exist in their modern form without this programming language. Thanks to him we also owe the credit for Google Maps and eBay. But when and for what the JavaScript computer language was created you will find out in the following lines. From the beginning, JavaScript was created as a browser validation language to a program that powers many desktop applications. JavaScript has come a long way to where it is today. With the evolution of the web and technology, the computer language JavaScript has also changed, reaching levels that no one imagined. The mid-1990s was the pivotal moment for the Internet and technology. The two companies compete on the market - Netscape with their Navigator browser and Microsoft with Internet Explorer. The combination of a poor internet connection, the need to fill out a form on a website and submit it was a slow process with data loss on the long journey to the server.

Netscape is trying to find a way around this problem for client side validation of input fields. Then, in just 10 days, a Netscape programmer developed a new scripting language. This is how the JavaScript scripting language came into being. However, programmers' first impression of JavaScript was not as positive as the image of this programming language today. Java programmers were initially skeptical of JavaScript, calling it "user interface glue" mostly for use by designers and non-engineers. But subsequently, everyone Taiwan Phone Number List found that the application of JavaScript ushered in a great boom and new life for the web space. The importance in the history of this language comes from the fact that the first idea was a scripting language for data validation, but it evolved and made its way to becoming one of the most popular programming languages ​​today with a huge application - mobile applications, web applications, board games. From its shaky beginnings, JavaScript has become the most widely used computer language in the world.


As of according to GitHub JavaScript has more repositories and libraries than any other language, and new ones keep popping up. They are designed to enable small teams to develop large and complex projects in a short amount of time. One of the most popular repositories - React.js is also studied in our JavaScript Development course . When choosing to work with JavaScript, it's good to know where your journey begins. This will help you more easily get to the heart of the language, its strengths and limitations. If you want to start a career with the most dynamic and popular computer language - JavaScript, you can start your training with Advance Academy and the JavaScript Development program. Included in the program are data types, operators, conditional constructs, expressions, loops, function manipulation, JSON and DOM selectors, REST, and more. By going through the JavaScript training, you will transform from a beginner programmer to a Junior Front-end developer. And if you want to learn more about the work of a front-end developer, you can read Everything we need to know about Front End Development.