What Tools Can You Use for Video Content on Instagram

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What Tools Can You Use for Video Content on Instagram

Post by pahar2022 »

Instagram users love videos, and if a picture can say 1000 words, then a video can help you say a lot more. Video offers an opportunity to showcase your personality, team and stories in a more compelling way. It is one of the best tools of any marketer. Luckily, Instagram also loves videos and makes video marketing SUPER accessible to everyone thanks to the 5 video formats it offers: Reels, Live, IGTV, Stories, and Video Posts. Algorithms of social networks, we can say, made their users jealous of the Tik Tok algorithm That's why you can feel an increase in activity on your profile under some video post compared to a photo. From a marketing point of view, we can safely say that the video format in a campaign significantly increases the return on investment, that is, it is a much more effective and successful tool compared to static ads. You can learn what digital marketing is and how to make a marketing campaign in the Advance Academy course - Digital Marketing Basics. The possibilities for video are many, giving marketers opportunities to tell stories and reach their audience.

Which video format is best for you? You may decide to use all of them or focus on just one. We recommend that you diversify both with different video formats and try to have both static and video content on your profile. What is each video format? Instagram stories are 15-second videos that disappear after 24 hours. Stories can be saved by swiping right from the home screen or by tapping the plus icon and selecting click Stories. They can also be uploaded from the photo library. Interactive elements such as filters, emojis, tags and stickers can be added to each story. Interact with your users to make your stories more engaging. This will increase the overall performance of your profile. Despite its short life, Instagram Stories never cease to be popular, and we predict that it will remain so for Kenya Phone Number List something from your day with your audience, ask a question or drive an activity or other action. Video posts are Instagram's original video format. Video posts are added the same way images are posted: using Instagram's built-in camera or uploading from a photo library. Once posted, people can engage with likes, comments and shares. Instagram Live allows people to stream.


Live broadcasts are started by swiping right or tapping the plus icon and switching to Live. The number of viewers watching the live stream is displayed at the top of the screen, and people can engage by adding comments or emoji reactions. IGTV is Instagram's format for video that can be longer than 1 minute up to 60 minutes. Video intended for IGTV must be pre-recorded and uploaded. All IGTV videos are displayed in a dedicated section on the user's profile. Reels is Instagram's newest video format. Inspired by Tik Tok, these 15-30 second clips can be created with the Instagram camera or uploaded from the Photo Library. This format is best suited if you aim to expand your audience and reach new people. This happens thanks to an algorithm inspired by Tik Tok, where content is shown to people who are not your followers but are interested in the same topics as you. If you want to realize yourself in Social Media marketing or you just want to professionally develop your business or influencer profile, the Advance Academy Digital Marketing Basics training is the perfect choice for you.
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