What Is Full Stack Developer

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What Is Full Stack Developer

Post by pahar2022 »

These days the world of technology is vast and ever-growing. With its growth, the professions that are closely related to this sector are increasing and improving. The most important profession that is vital to the existence of the technological world is, of course, the profession of programmer. But there are different programmers or also called developers. There are different developers, such as front end and back end, but what exactly is the role of the full stack? Digging through various company sites and their Careers section, or visiting other developer recruitment platforms, a very common position is Full Stack Developer. It turns out that not everyone clearly and accurately understands the concept. Let us first understand what is “Stack”? This word brings together all the technologies that a company uses to develop its applications. Usually several different programming languages, libraries, servers, databases, frameworks are combined. What is Back End developer? Back end is also called server side. This includes all the functions that the server needs to perform before it returns you the result you want.

The role of the Back-end programmer is to implement all the necessary information and logic to make the server and databases work together. Some of the most popular backend scripting languages ​​are Java, Python, and PHP, and programmers often work with various frameworks such as Laravel, Django, Spring, and databases MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, and many others. What is Front End Developer? The Front End is the part that runs in the browser. Front End programmers have a close relationship in their work Jamaica Phone Number List with designers and especially web designers. Together they take care of the user interface of the site and what experience the users themselves will have. Web browsers understand three basic tools: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. HTML is described as the backbone of a web page. Describes the structure and content of a page. CSS styles our web content. With it we can change colors, move content, change fonts and sizes. JavaScript allows developers to add interactivity and dynamic content to web pages.


If you want to know more about Front End developers and what it takes to become one you can read - Everything we need to know about Front End Development . And finally, what is a Full Stack developer? This is the developer who has mastered every part of developing a website or application. In a rosy world, this would mean that a Full Stack programmer should be ready to write JavaScript and CSS on Monday and Python or SQL on Wednesday. In fact, today's full stack developers are experts in one area, but feel comfortable working on other parts of their assigned project. Whether you choose to specialize and develop as Front end, Back End or Full Stack is up to you. It is important if you are a beginner developer or just getting ready to get into programming to start from the beginning, A-B-C or HTML and CSS, and be consistent and consistent. We at Advance Academy offer complete training programs in Java , JavaScript , PHP , which will not only give you the basics, but also prepare you for the real work environment.
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