Kotlin Everything We Need to Know About the

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Kotlin Everything We Need to Know About the

Post by pahar2022 »

In Google announced support for the Kotlin language in its Android Studio integrated development environment. This has solidified Kotlin as a very important language in application development in 2018, but what is the Kotlin language really and why its popularity is constantly growing and even according to Stack Overflow, the language is the fourth most popular language in the world among all languages ​​for programming. What is Kotlin? Kotlin is one of the newer programming languages. It was created in 2016 and was developed by the company JetBrains. Kotlin is a free, statically typed, open-source, general-purpose programming language. The Kotlin language has both object-oriented and functional programming features. It was originally designed for JVM (Java Virtual Machine) and Android. It places a focus on interoperability, safety, clarity and tool support. Kotlin can be used for any type of development - server-side, front-end, or Android, with the most common being Android apps, web apps, desktop apps, and server apps.

It is the ideal language for anyone interested in a career in this field. What makes Kotlin so good? There are three main things that make Kotlin so good and are mentioned almost everywhere: Kotlin uses aggressive type inference, which means it can figure out what data type a function uses based on the rest of the code and how it's used. This in turn means that developers don't have to spend time declaring the Hungary Phone Number List type of expressions or values ​​in their code. This saves a lot of time because declaring a data type can be tedious and the code must be perfect. Kotlin allows developers to define static objects and functions without the need to use redundant classes. The developer can define the objects and their functions in one place, so it is much easier to read and understand the code, which makes it easier to debug. Kotlin's syntax is not complicated. It uses the best ideas from the programming languages ​​that came before it, and writing code is easier.


It also means that code is easier to read and understand and takes less time to debug. The three things above all have one thing in common that developers love and that is that Kotlin is "friendlier". Writing is faster, simpler, and just plain easier. Kotlin is inspired by already existing programming languages ​​- Java, JavaScript, C Scala and Groovy, which suggests that it will be easier than them. The most functional traits and characteristics are borrowed from each to produce Kotlin, with the goal of being learnable in a few days. You can learn more about the Kotlin language on their official site - kotlinlang.org . The vast world of technology offers us ever newer and better opportunities. If you take this path, you are sure to have many adventures ahead of you. Take your first step in programming with Advance Academy ( Java , JavaScript , PHP and QA ) and become a successful IT professional. Started as a START UP, Advance Academy has become the largest IT academy in Eastern Bulgaria. Thirsty for new knowledge and ready to give more, we continue to develop.
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