Logical design Logical design is a more specific

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Logical design Logical design is a more specific

Post by ashamoni56776 »

However, this is difficult to understand, so to put it more simply, it would be better to think of it as a visualization of data. When building a database, it is very important to decide what kind of information to manage and in what form. A major feature of the conceptual data model is that it represents the data world in a flat form, regardless of the database type or product (Oracle, MySQL, etc.). Process 2. version of the conceptual data model,

and refers to the work of converting this model into a form that matches the type of database and product that will actually be created. If you manage your data using a relational database, you will Singapore Email List create a relational model from your conceptual data model. Relational database (RDB): A database managed using a table-like structure. Store data in a table format with related attributes as columns. It is also called a database in which data is manipulated on a row-by-row basis and multiple tables are managed while being associated with each other.


Although operations are complex, advanced data searches and management are possible. Although it is possible to mechanically convert a conceptual data model to a relational model, simply converting it as is may not result in an appropriate relational model. Therefore, in logical design, "normalization" (standardizing data based on certain rules) is performed to convert it into an appropriate format.
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