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Why Marketing should NOT direct the interests of Sales

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2022 9:48 am
by luckyakterbd02
Marketing is a sales support technique, it is not a concept of government. And as a technique it cannot direct the destiny of commercial interests. In the fact of properly understanding this difference that seems elementary, some of the most important competitive defects of people and companies are found. The act of selling is a transaction that occurs between people. An exchange of values ​​that perfects human relations. In abstract terms, it could be established that machines buy and sell, but the conceptual essence of sales is exclusive to individuals, and occurs within the framework of a transfer of goods. A process must be followed so that someone actually buys what they want to sell. This requires specific management to achieve the objectives. The sales transaction is the final part of the cycle. Many variables participate in the process, and Marketing is one of them.

Why Marketing should NOT direct the interests of Sales Can sales be made without the involvement of Marketing? Of course! In reality, man has been selling since the beginning of time, thousands of years before Marketing appeared. Then, the first conclusion is simple: if he can indeed Estonia Phone Number List be sold without the participation of Marketing, why should he be considered an element of government? There are people and companies that attribute their sales failures solely to flaws in their marketing efforts, but this is a wrong conclusion. On the other hand, there are also those who extend the epistemological scope of Marketing so that it "includes" the consideration of more variables and concepts than it essentially possesses. And so, almost self-assuredly, they affirm that Marketing is responsible for everything that happens in the commercial spectrum.


This is another wrong interpretation. Marketing is just a support technique, a support tool for sales efforts. In this lies its fundamental value, not in the fact of attributing more scope to it than any technique possesses. Marketing tools are the same as those a carpenter has in his work box. They help him with the work that he visualizes, but in no way define or replace him. No carpenter can call himself such just because he knows the tools in his workbox. The best association of Marketing is with creativity, with the development of ideas and identification of routes that can lead more easily to sales objectives. The marketing technique must collaborate with the efforts of differentiation of the offer and distinguish the set of the own efforts in the market. To this, which is not little, its usefulness refers. In today's highly crystallized markets, it is complex to establish differences that merit consumer preference.